Welcome to the Cerddwn Trwy’r Tywyllwch website.

This project is to enable singers from across Wales and beyond to come together and create a large virtual choir.

This website will provide you with all the information needed to be a part of this new initiative.

This is open to everyone over 16. You don’t have to be a member of a choir, everyone is welcome. The only ask is that you learn your part!

‘Cerddwn Trwy’r Tywyllwch’ is an original choral piece composed specifically for this project and we hope to be able to pull people together during these times of uncertainty in order to create something unique, something to lift spirits and something to remember.

How does it work? What is a virtual choir?

We’re asking you to record a video of yourself singing your part in the song. Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass. Send us your video and with a little post-production magic, we’ll stich each video together and create a choir.

We have spoken with Rondo TV and S4C with the intention of also organising a live performance or a television broadcast.

We’ll be promoting the project on social media so come over to

Cerddwn Trwy’r Tywyllwch

to join the discussion.


Thank you for your interest, I’m looking forward to hearing the super choir!

Good Luck!


Richard Vaughan